Monday, 2 November 2020

Halloween mummies

 Hi there!

This year students at level 5 got into groups and tried to disguise as Halloween mummies. It was not easy... but finally, they managed to do so. Click on the image to see their result...

zombie creep

Friday, 30 October 2020

Orange lanterns

Spooky Halloween!

It will be less scary if you iluminate it with the orange lanterns that students from Year 4 made.

Click on the photo to see their creations.

Pumpkin carving

Hi there!

Coronavirus cannot stop us from carving our traditional Halloween pumpkin. Students had great fun, and some of the pumpkins are a real masterpiece.

Click on the photo to see more pictures and enjoy!

Sunday, 27 September 2020

First English day at Year 6

Hi! We are really having a good starting and students and myself are enjoying the English lessons.

The very first day students were talking about their holidays and we finally did a really funny activity thanks to

Students flew their planes, took a different one from them and then they had to guess whose description it was. Really cool!

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Friday, 22 May 2020

Crafty day!

Hello everyone!

Today the activities are focused in some crafts. Do you know what "Origami" is? Is the art of creating things just folding a paper, like a plane or a boat. Here you have the instructions to create a horse and a jumping frog. 

Avui les activitats que us proposem són manualitats. Sabeu què és l'origami? És l'art de crear coses només plegant un paper, com un avió o un vaixell. Aquí teniu les instruccions per crear un cavall i una granoteta que salta.

I tried to do it and well you can see the result...
Jo he provat de fer-ho i bé, aquí podeu veure el resultat...

Another idea is to create a pop up card. This is great because you can get the idea of the video and adapt it to other things you like!

Una altra idea és crear una carta "pop up". Es genial perquè podeu agafar les idees del vídeo i adaptar-la a altres idees!

A huge virtual hug!

The English teachers

Monday, 18 May 2020

Do you like animals?

Hello everyone, 

Do you like sharks? In this video you can discover a lot of things about this animals along with Sam, who is diving in the ocean to meet this incredible creatures.🐟

Us agraden els taurons? En aquest vídeo podreu descobrir una pila de coses sobre aquests animals amb la Sam, una noia que va a bussejar a l'oceà per conèixer a aquestes criatures. 

It is important to do sport even if we are home, so here you have a funny way to do it, exercise like animals! It might look a little silly but it is super fun. 🐇🐊🐵

És molt important fer exercici encara que estiguem a casa, per això us portem una manera divertida de fer-ho, fer exercici com els animals! Pot semblar una mica absurd, però és molt divertit!

A big big big hug!

The English teachers

Monday, 4 May 2020

Still bored?

Hello everyone!

Below you will find a video with a new storytime "A squash and a squeeze" about an old lady, her house, and her farm animals. Are you ready? 👀

Aqui sota trobareu un nou video on podeu veure un conte sobre una señora gran, la seva casa i els seus animals de granja. Esteu llestos?

Here you have a song about a walk in the forest where you can follow the dancing steps depending on the different animals. Which is your favourite? My favourite step is the snake one. 🐍

Aquí teniu una cançó sobre un passeig a la jungla on podeu seguir els passos de ball depenent dels diferents animals. Quin és el vostre preferit? El meu és el de la serp.

To finish, here you have an idea to create your oun bunny out of a sock and some rice! It sounds super fun. In the website you'll find all the steps and the materials you need to make it. Do not do it alone, ask for some help! 🐇

Per acabar, aqui teniu una idea per crear el vostre propi conill amb un mitjó i una mica d'arrós! Sona súper divertit. A la web trobareu tots els passos acompanyats de fotografies i el material que necessiteu. No ho feu sols, demaneu ajuda!

See you soon!

English teachers 💓

Monday, 27 April 2020

New ideas!!

Hello eveyone,

As we promised, here you have some new ideas to be entertained this days.

Did you buy a lot of toilet paper and now you don't know what to do? Here you have a crafty idea to use all the cardboard tubes. You can adapt it to the materials you have at home, for example, instead of using patterned paper, you can paint the tubes or use other type of paper such as newspaper's. 

Com us vam prometre, aqui teniu noves idees per estar entretinguts aquests dies.

Vau comprar un munt de paper de vàter i ara no sabeu que fer-ne? Aquí teniu una manualitat per aprofitar els tubs de cartró. Podeu adaptar els materials amb el que teniu a casa, per exemple, enlloc d'utilitzar paper estampat, podeu pintar els rotllos o fer servir un altre tipus de paper, com paper de diari.

Now, one of my favourite websites. If you like music and you think you know all the lyrics of the songs you can prove it in lyricstraining, you can play in the website or download the app in your tablet or phone. It is a site where you can choose any song you like (it is available in different languages) and fill in the gaps while watching the videoclip. If you register, you can participate in the rankings. Moreover, you have different levels and two game options, writing the words or choosing among 4 options. There is also the option to do karaoke and just sing the song!

Ara una de les meves webs preferides. Si us agrada la música i penseu que sabeu la llera de totes les cançons, ho podeu demostrar a lyricstraining, podeu jugar a la web o descarregar l'aplicació al mòbil o la tauleta. És una web on podeu triar la cançó que volgueu (disponible en diferents idiomes) i omplir els espais en blanc mentre veieu el videoclip. Si us registreu, podeu participar als rànquings! A més, hi ha diversos nivells i dues modalitats de joc, escriure les paraules o triar entre 4 opcions. També hi ha la opció de karaoke i només cantar la cançó!

The English Teachers

Monday, 20 April 2020

St. George's Day

Dear students, 

As you might know, on Thursday it is St. George's Day. Did you know it is also England's National day? In this post we want to give you some proposals to work on this festivity. 

Com ja sabreu, aquest dijous és Sant Jordi. Sabeu que també és la diada nacional d'Anglaterra? En aquesta publicació us volem donar algunes propostes per treballar aquesta celebració. 
St george day celebrate vector template design | Vector Premium
First of all, what is St. George's without it's legend? Here you have a video of the story with a slightly different ending:

Primer de tot, què és Sant Jordi sense la seva llegenda? Aquí teniu un vídeo amb un final una mica diferent:

Second, you can find here a word-search with some vocabulary of the festivity, can you find them all?

En segon lloc, aquí teniu una sopa de lletres amb vocabulari de la festa, podeu trobar-ho tot?

Dibuixem la rosa de Sant Jordi | Rosa Maria Curto

Third, here you have a proposal to create your own storybook about the legend, let's see if you dare!

Tercer, i per acabar, aquí teniu una petita manualitat o podeu crear el vostre petit llibre de la llegenda, a veure qui s'atreveix.

Esto no es un artículo sobre Sant Jordi - The Citizen

Happy St. George's Day!

The English teachers

Friday, 17 April 2020

Keep practising!

Hello everyone!

How are you doing? Today I bring you three new different proposals of things you can do at home. 

Com esteu? Avui us porto tres noves propostes d'activitats que podeu fer a casa.

It is important that we keep practising words and vocabulary we've learned, here you have a memory game about pets, let's see if you can complete it!

És important que seguim practicant vocabulari que ja hem après, aquí teniu un joc de memory sobre els animals de companyia. A veure si el podeu completar!

Draw Five: How to Draw Pets - YouTube

Another activity I recomend, is to watch this story about a crocodile's toothbrush, can you imagine? 

Una altra activitat que us recomano és que mireu aquest conte sobre el raspall de dents d'un cocodril, us ho podeu imaginar?

To finish, is very important that despite we are home, we keep moving and do some sport. I'm doing some every day. Here you have a song to do some exercise following the movements explained!

Per acabar, és molt important que ens seguim movent i fent esport encara que estiguem a casa. Jo n'estic fent cada dia. Aquí teniu una cançó per fer exercici seguint els moviments.

Still wishing the best for you, everything is gonna be okay!
Segueixo deistjant el millor per tots vosaltres, tot anirà bé!

dëna Rainbow Neón 12x - Dëna Toys

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

More things to do at home!

Good morning everyone!

As we promise a few days ago, here you have some new English proposals to do at home the next days. Do you like arts and crafts? We challenge you to try some of these ideas

Com us van dir fa uns dies, aquí teniu algunes noves propostes en anglès per fer a casa els propers dies. T'agraden les manualitats? Et desafiem a provar algunes d’aquestes idees.

We also suggest doing some exercise at home in a fun way.
També us proposem fer una mica d'exercisi a casa de manera divertida. Us atreviu?

  • Workout for kids

  • Yoga 

  • Action Songs for Children

Our last recommendation for today is from the macmillan websideThere you can find short stories. We hope you enjoy them.
La nostra darrera recomanació per avui és del lloc web macmillan.
Allà podeu trobar històries breus. Esperem que les gaudiu.

We hope you are all well.
Happy Easter!!!

The English Teachers.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Things to do at home!

Hello everyone! 🙋

In this post we'd like to give you some ideas to do this days at home with the younger (and not so young) ones. 
Hola a tothom!
En aquesta publicació ens agradaria donar-vos algunes idees per tal de fer amb els petits (i no tant petits) de la casa.

Our first recommendation is the webpage  ESL games plus where you can find plenty of games in English, sorted by topic. For example, you can play this memory game to practice the clothes vocabulary. Tip: turn on the speakers to listen the words when you play! 👀
La primera recomanació és la pàgina web ESL games plus, on podeu trobar un munt de jocs en anglès organitzats per temàtica. Per exemple, podeu jugar a aquest memory per practica el vocabulari referent a les peces de roba. Consell: si activeu els altaveus podreu escoltar les paraules.


The second recommendation is the web-page of the British Council. There you can also find a lot of resources, but we would like to recommend the short stories. There are a lot of short videos telling all different kind of stories, for example the Teddy's adventure:👂

La segona recomanació és la pàgina web del British Council, on també trobareu molts recursos interessants. Però en concret us voldria recomanar la secció on tenen històries curtes de tot tipus, com per exemple l'aventura d'en Teddy:

Our last recommendation for today is also taken from the British Council site, and it is for the bravest ones. It is creating our own table game! You will decide which is the vocabulary or things you want to include in each square. You can be original and add challenges such as sing a song in English or say a word starting with a certain letter... 😄

L'última recomanació també està extreta de la web British Council i és per als més valents de tots. És la possibilitat de crear el nostre propi joc de taula! Podràs decidir quin és el vocabulari o les coses que vols incloure en cada quadrat. Pots ser original i afegir reptes com cantar una cançó en anglès o dir alguna paraula que comenci per una determinada lletra... 

Finally, we wish that you are all fine and taking profit of all the time home. We would be super happy if you share with us what you are doing this days in the comments section. We will keep updating this blog so you don't get bored. 
We hope to see you all again soon!

Per acabar, desitgem que tots estigueu bé i aprofitant del temps a casa. Ens posarem súper contentes si ens expliqueu als comentaris el que esteu fent aquests dies a casa. Nosaltres seguirem actualitzant el blog per tal que no us avorriu a casa.
Esperem tornar-vos a veure una altra vegada molt aviat!

The English teachers 💖

Confined in spring!

Hi there!
Spring has just started and we all are confined at home. Don't worry because we'll give you plenty of proposals to keep your English alive. Here 's the first one:
You can listen to the story of "Goldilocks and the three bears"... and then send us a picture of it.

Ei hola!
La primavera ha començat i estem tots confinats a casa. No us preocupeu perquè us donarem propostes per mantenir l'anglès viu. Aquí va la primera:
Pots escoltar la història de "Rínxols d'or i els tres osets"... i després enviar-nos un dibuix del conte.

Eric Angulo Nofuentes at P4A has already done it with his mother's help using watercolour with his fingers... Look at this beautiful picture!

L'Èric Angulo Nofuentes de P4A ja ho ha fet amb l'ajuda de la seva mare utilitzant aquarel·les amb els dits... Mireu quin dibuix més bonic han fet!

Monday, 17 February 2020

Cinder ELLA New York

Hi there!
Last 11th February all students from 5th and 6th grade went to the "Centre Cultural" to see this modern version of the traditional story "Cinderella". They were singing great songs and volunteering at all times when the actors asked for helpers. Students really had a great time!

Monday, 10 February 2020

Goldilocks and the three bears

On the 30th of January we went to the theatre to see how the three bears and Goldilocks cleaned the forest.
Students had great fun.

'Brown bear' act out

?Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?' is the chorus question performed by the 2nd grade students:

Here you have the rap of the 'Brown bear'.

Ulysses play

Hello families, 
Last week we went to the theatre to watch the epic play of Ulysses. 
Children are still singing the songs, they really enjoyed the play. 
Here you have some pictures. 

Monday, 20 January 2020

New year, new password

We start the new year with a very famous cinema tune...

If you want to practice it take a look at the video...