Monday, 4 May 2020

Still bored?

Hello everyone!

Below you will find a video with a new storytime "A squash and a squeeze" about an old lady, her house, and her farm animals. Are you ready? 馃憖

Aqui sota trobareu un nou video on podeu veure un conte sobre una se帽ora gran, la seva casa i els seus animals de granja. Esteu llestos?

Here you have a song about a walk in the forest where you can follow the dancing steps depending on the different animals. Which is your favourite? My favourite step is the snake one. 馃悕

Aqu铆 teniu una can莽贸 sobre un passeig a la jungla on podeu seguir els passos de ball depenent dels diferents animals. Quin 茅s el vostre preferit? El meu 茅s el de la serp.

To finish, here you have an idea to create your oun bunny out of a sock and some rice! It sounds super fun. In the website you'll find all the steps and the materials you need to make it. Do not do it alone, ask for some help! 馃悋

Per acabar, aqui teniu una idea per crear el vostre propi conill amb un mitj贸 i una mica d'arr贸s! Sona s煤per divertit. A la web trobareu tots els passos acompanyats de fotografies i el material que necessiteu. No ho feu sols, demaneu ajuda!

See you soon!

English teachers 馃挀

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