How are you doing? Today I bring you three new different proposals of things you can do at home.
Com esteu? Avui us porto tres noves propostes d'activitats que podeu fer a casa.
It is important that we keep practising words and vocabulary we've learned, here you have a memory game about pets, let's see if you can complete it!
És important que seguim practicant vocabulari que ja hem après, aquí teniu un joc de memory sobre els animals de companyia. A veure si el podeu completar!
![Draw Five: How to Draw Pets - YouTube](
Another activity I recomend, is to watch this story about a crocodile's toothbrush, can you imagine?
Una altra activitat que us recomano és que mireu aquest conte sobre el raspall de dents d'un cocodril, us ho podeu imaginar?
To finish, is very important that despite we are home, we keep moving and do some sport. I'm doing some every day. Here you have a song to do some exercise following the movements explained!
Per acabar, és molt important que ens seguim movent i fent esport encara que estiguem a casa. Jo n'estic fent cada dia. Aquí teniu una cançó per fer exercici seguint els moviments.
Still wishing the best for you, everything is gonna be okay!
Segueixo deistjant el millor per tots vosaltres, tot anirà bé!
![dëna Rainbow Neón 12x - Dëna Toys](
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