Monday, 19 November 2018

Apple bobbing

"Bobbing for apples" or "Apple bobbing" is a traditional Halloween game. The game is played by filling a tub or a large basin with water and putting apples in the water. Then children try to catch the apple without using their hands.
We tried it with 5th class and they had great fun.

Halloween 1st grade

Last 31st of October 1st grade students dress up as a ballerina, cowboy, pirate, monster, ghost, witch and had fun while singing one of the most popular Halloween songs: “Knock knock, Trick or Treat, who are you?”.

Here you have some videos and photos!

Halloween 3th

Lollipop ghosts

A few days ago 3rd level kids create a sweet ghost.
It is an easy Halloween treat. We used lollipops, small bands, thin ribbon, tissue and black marker. It was great fun!

Don’t forget to see the photos!

Halloween 4th

Carving an Orange

This year 4th grade students did an orange lantern. It was very enjoyable!
If you want to make one yourself follow these steps: Cut the top of the orange, empty the fruit, draw the face of the orange with a pen, carve the face with scissors and fill in with candy or candles.

Here you have some images of the process!